Building healthy lives

and happy futures

Our Leadership


Lanie Etkind -- Executive Director


Julia Winer -- Development Manager



Albulena Prelvukaj -- Director of COMM & Fundraising 



Faye Ginsburg *

Vice Presidents



Steven S. Fass *



Allan Cohen ***


Ed Baranoff ***


Jeffrey Goldberger **


Laurent Landau *


Steven Kietz **




Lisa Newman *


Paul Wexler **


Jennifer Sonenshein **


Howard Weiser ***


Rebecca Sernovitz**


Gregg Meyers *


Brian E. Stillman ***


Adam Sachs

Gerald Adler *


Daniel Landau ***


Scientific Advisory Board


Frances Lefcort, PhD

Montana State University



Adrian Gilbert, PhD



Felicia Axelrod, MD

New York University


Bat el Bar Aluma, MD, PhD

Sheba Medical Center, Israel


Alejandra Gonzalez-Duarte, MD, PhD

Dysautonomia Center at NYU Langone Health


Horacio Kaufmann, MD

New York University School of Medicine


Adrian Krainer, PhD

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Ralph Laufer, PhD

Lysogene, France


Eric Schon, PhD

Columbia University


Susan Slaugenhaupt, PhD

Massachusetts General Hospital


Gail E. Sonenshein, PhD

Tufts University School of Medicine


+All board members are independent voting members.

*Term expires 2025

**Term expires 2026

***Term expires 2024

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©2025 Familial Dysautonomia Foundation, Inc.
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Photos by Rick Guidotti, POSITIVE EXPOSURE EIN 13-6145280

315 W 39th St, Suite 701, New York, NY 10018


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Website Disclaimer
The information provided in the Dysautonomia Foundation web site is intended to educate the reader about certain medical conditions and certain possible treatments. It is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis, and medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. If you believe you, or your child, or someone you know, suffer from the conditions described herein, please see your health care provider. Do not attempt to treat yourself, your child, or anyone else without proper medical supervision.

The Foundation provides linked sites only for the convenience of the visitor. The Foundation does not control nor does it warrant the accuracy of any information provided by these linked sites. Individually identifiable user information is not collected through this site unless voluntarily submitted to the Foundation by the user. Linked sites may have different privacy policies. Any User information submitted directly to the Foundation will not be shared with other parties without the express written consent of the User.

Privacy Policy
The Familial Dysautonomia Foundation will not share or sell any personal information (name, address, email address, phone numbers) that you submit through this website or offline with any third party organization without your explicit consent.

If you conduct a transaction on our website for the purpose of a charitable contribution, we will not record or store any of your credit card information on our servers or in our records. All credit card transactions are conducted through secure web pages.

If you make an online contribution to one of our events or fundraisers, we may ask your permission to list your name and/or the amount of your contribution and/or the name of the organization you represent (if applicable) as a sponsor of the event or as a contributor to the event. We will not list any of your personal information without your consent.

Medical Disclosure
The FD Foundation does not offer medical advice. We always recommend that you contact the Dysautonomia Center (link here) or your personal physician.