The Familial Dysautonomia Foundation has Oxlife Independence units for use by FD families while they travel. These deluxe units deliver continuous or pulse oxygen.
To rent a POC unit, you must provide…
· A physician’s travel form and a POC request and agreement form
Arrangements for these POCs should be made well in advance since there are a limited number of machines available. We encourage you to leave ample time for shipping and familiarization as the Foundation does not provide 24/7 customer support, so it is essential that families become familiar with the operation before traveling.
All POCs are battery-operated, and some can be plugged into electrical outlets to simultaneously run the unit and charge the battery. All come with a built-in or detachable cart. With spare batteries, a portable unit can run for many hours without requiring an electrical outlet, but heavy batteries can make travel more difficult.
There are two basic modes of operation for a POC: continuous and pulse. Continuous operation outputs a steady flow of oxygen, whereas pulse operation relies on the patient’s breathing to trigger a burst of oxygen. Some doctors recommend a continuous operation for their patients who are prone to shallow breathing. Check with your doctor to see if you need a model that provides continuous operation. Battery life is much longer in pulse mode.
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The information provided in the Dysautonomia Foundation web site is intended to educate the reader about certain medical conditions and certain possible treatments. It is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis, and medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. If you believe you, or your child, or someone you know, suffer from the conditions described herein, please see your health care provider. Do not attempt to treat yourself, your child, or anyone else without proper medical supervision.
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Medical Disclosure
The FD Foundation does not offer medical advice. We always recommend that you contact the Dysautonomia Center (link here) or your personal physician.